Visitor Comments | Articles about St. George

Comments from Travelers to St. George Island

Some recent visitors have shared with us comments about their visit to St. George.  We hope you will share your observations with us as well.

"St. George exceeded my expectations. I  enjoyed hiking around the island and interactions with the community. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone!"
- Tanya Iden

"My favorite part was the sea kayaking and observing seals at the south rookery."
- Jane Swan

"The hotel is a great asset".
- Donna Cherrier

"This was a very good tour filled with activities and an incredible number of birds. My favorite part was hiking the black sand beach and photographing birds and flowers."
- Robert Iden

"I greatly enjoyed watching the fur seals and learning all about them."
- Ruth Nighwander

"St. George was simply wonderful. The people, the scenery and wildlife were constantly amazing!"

- Gillian Brubaker


Published Articles About St. George Island

"St. George Island", Alaska Magazine, Tom Walker, January 2006
Click HERE to open PDF file (1.5 MB)

"The Pribilofs", Alaska Magazine, Bill Sherwonit, February 2000
Click HERE to open PDF file (1.5 MB)

Alaska’s Archiplago”, National Geographic, Joel K. Bourne, Jr., August 2003

For more information about St. George Island, please visit Starting Your Adventure or e-mail our local Tourism Coordinator.

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